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Custom Knits Errata and Updates. Knit and Tonic Errata and Updates. Up, Down, All-Around Stitch Dictionary Errata. What to do if you have questions. Tips for Knitting Sizzle in the Round. Flair - Alternative Sleeve Shaping. If youre some sort of a knitting purist or something like that, then you might want to look away. Because I just did some major knitting surgery.
Custom Knits Errata and Updates. Knit and Tonic Errata and Updates. Up, Down, All-Around Stitch Dictionary Errata. What to do if you have questions. Tips for Knitting Sizzle in the Round. Flair - Alternative Sleeve Shaping. If youre some sort of a knitting purist or something like that, then you might want to look away. Because I just did some major knitting surgery.
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